Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Progress Report Table (week 1)

Wk 1, 28 March.

What we aim to complete?
1. Finalise the 10 events
  • Have a brief summary of each event
  • Each team member would have to do 2 summaries each.
2. Decide on the storybook outline
  • Based on any few of the 10 events.
  • Each team member would have to suggest one each.
  • Choose either one or combine them.
3. Characters and settings of storybook
  • State which events would be used
  • State which characters there will be
  • State the setting
  • Sketches for the storybook
4. A snapshot of each member
  • Caption would be their names, roles and index.
What we have completed?
1. Finalise the 10 events
2. Have a brief summary of each event
3. Have a story outline for the book.

What have we NOT completed?
1. Decide on the storybook outline

  •  Choose either one or combine them.
2. Characters and settings of storybook

  •  State which events would be used
  •  State which characters there will be
  •  State the setting
  •  Sketches for the storybook

Areas we want to improve on or change?
1. Choose either one or combine story outlines.

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